Religious Education
Each class has a formal Religion lesson for thirty minutes each day, with lessons developed using the Rockhampton Catholic Education, Religion Curriculum. This curriculum is designed so that students have opportunities to develop:
· a personal relationship with Jesus Christ
· understanding and appreciation of the religious beliefs, values and practices of Christianity and the ways that Catholics live these out
· respect and appreciation for the religious beliefs, attitudes and values of others
· age-appropriate skills to research, discuss, reflect on and critique religion in an informed, intelligent and sensitive manner
Weekly Prayer Assemblies are held each Thursday morning, class liturgies are held each Wednesday, and classes attend Parish Mass once a term. School masses are arranged for special occasions and also occur once a term. All children are required to participate in all Religion Programs and celebrations.

Sacramental Program ​
Catholic children wishing to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist or Confirmation have the opportunity to do so through involvement in our Parish-based Sacramental Program. These Programs stress the importance of the family in any decision about when to participate in the preparation for the Sacraments.
These, however, are dependent on how ready you, as a family believe your child is for this Sacrament. Our school Religion Program has close links with the preparation phase.
A Parish Sacramental Team, which has school membership, coordinates these programs and works closely with the school to administer the Sacraments.
Approximate Year levels for receiving the Sacraments are:-
Reconciliation - Year 4 age
Confirmation/Eucharist -Year 4 age
Parents will be advised of details through newsletters and Parish bulletins.