Our School Board was established in 1993. The Board is a policy-making and management structure which seeks to work toward the
achievement of the Church's educational mission.
The aim of the Board is to assist our school to fulfill its Catholic Educational responsibility within the terms of the general pastoral and educational goals of the Diocese.
The first responsibility is to assist the principal and staff to apply the ideals stated in the school's Mission Statement. The Mission Statement is really a statement of philosophy declaring what the local faith community wants our Catholic School to be and to do.
The Board has specific decision making responsibilities in the areas of:
policy making
provision and maintenance of buildings and plants
The Board has an advisory role in the areas of curriculum and staffing.
Membership of the School Board consists of ex-officio, elected and co-opted members.
Ex-officio members are the Parish Priest, Principal and where applicable a representative of any religious order providing staff to the school. Elected
members include a member of staff, parents, and a parishioner. The Board can co-opt members to become full members of the Board.
To be eligible to elect or be elected, a person must have participated in a pre-service Board Education Program. This program ensures a clear understanding of the philosophy and the aims and responsibilities of the Board.